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Application Process

This is the process of the for the applying to the 16.16.250 Reasonable use exception to allow for reasonable economic use. This RUE which allows a builder to ignore these codes if he can prove there is no other reasonable economic use with less impact on the critical area; and if the proposed development does not pose an unreasonable threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, on or off the proposed site.

Application Submitted

  • 28 day determination of completeness (deemed automatically complete after 28th day)

  • If incomplete, the City will provide, in writing, the necessary elements to complete the application

    • Applicant re-submits

    • The City has 14 days to determine if re-submittal is complete. If incomplete, the City will provide, in writing, the necessary elements to complete the application

    • Once an application is determined complete, the City notifies the applicant in writing, and has 14 days to prepare the public Notice of Application (NOA)

    • The public has 14 days to comment on the application (staff review for code consistency proceeds during this time, and lasts approximately 6-8 weeks)

    • When staff review is complete, feedback on how to achieve consistency with the regulations is transmitted to the applicant


        This  is where the Mark Garey RUE proposal sits - waiting for resubmittal

        Applicant re-submits, The City has 14 days to determine if re-submittal is complete. If incomplete, the City will provide, in writing, the necessary elements to complete the resubmittal
    • Staff review proceeds, and when the application is consistent with the regulations, or, when staff can develop a recommendation to the Hearing Examiner, staff creates the hearing record (approx. 6-8 weeks)

    • When the record is complete, staff must notice the public hearing, no sooner than 10 days prior to the hearing date.

    • The Hearing Examiner has 10 days to issue the decision



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RUE Application submitted to city

Date of complete application

City returns application with compliance problems

May 20, 2021

October 25, 2021

January 4, 2022

If you want to learn more

Thanks for submitting!

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