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Take Action Now

This is the open comment period.


The next step is the court hearing. Please attend and show your support and concern for the environment, city code and neighbors.  It is important for the city to hear directly from its residents regarding their priorities. Attending the hearing and rallying others to join you will help emphasize the need to prioritize residents over external commercial builders. The residents will get 14 days notice before the hearing. To be notified email: Email:

Your voice is needed by August 5 

You can help STOP THIS degradation of our environment .​


If this proposal for this house is approved, this could set precedent for all the properties in critical areas.  Each builder that applies for reasonable use exception may get a free pass to ignore the environment and the impact on the neighbors. Link to the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION 


Subject line: Stop RUE 2021_RUE-0001


Tell Lake Forest Park Planners there should be no Reasonable Use Exceptions at the expense of our streams, wildlife, trees, houses, and human safety. Do not let this builder harm the environment. Please help protect our  LFP residents and habitat. 


State why you care
There are many reasons you might care about this issue. Let the planner know why this is important to you.


Reasons why they should  hold up the LFP Code
There are many answers to this question. Because the proposed new home will be built very close to the creek (inside the 115 foot required stream buffer and possibly 12 feet from the creek itself), it will destroy the wetland, stream banks, and salmon habitat. In addition, the opposite bank, already degraded because of the lack of tree root stability, is in a state designated landslide hazard area. Compromising any of the banks in this area will add to the instability of this hazardous steep slope. If and when this bank slumps, it may destroy the new home and one already established right next to the unstable bank on the opposite side of the wetland.

Lake Forest Park cares about trees and tree canopy. We are not living that value if we allow trees, especially in critical areas, to be cleared like this.

Code designed to protect our environment becomes meaningless if it is not enforced and/or if exceptions like Reasonable Use are given. 


Also include

"Please add me as a party of record."

Add your address if  you are a resident of Lake Forest Park.





Here are comments from experts and you can also see simple emails from concerned neighbors.

If you want to learn more

Thanks for submitting!

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